Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wine Tasting and Dinner Meeting

The Kent County Osteopathic Association would like to thank the members that attended the meeting on an Update on Cervical Cancer Screening given by Dr. Brad Irving.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Honoring Members at Legacy of Leaders

On October 19, Metro Health Hospital will honor the following KCOA members for their 2010 Legacy of Leaders event:

K. Thomas Crocker, DO

Joseph Sage, DO
Susan Sevensma, DO

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dr. William Cunningham accepts a position at MSUCOM

Dr. William Cunningham has accepted a position at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine effective January 1, 2011.  He will be reporting to Dean Strampel and will focus on the presence of osteopathic medicine in West Michigan.

Dr. Cunningham will have additional external duties with Metro Health as assigned to him by Mr. Faas and will have a MSUCOM office in the Physician Office Building.  Dr. Cunningham has been with the Metro Health team for twenty-one years.

Sevensma elected AOA third Vice President.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Honoring Congressman Vern Ehlers

The Kent County Medical Society and Kent County Osteopathic Association would like to thank the 100+ members that joined us in honoring retiring Congressman Vern Ehlers and attending the Candidates' Forum.

KCMS and KCOA would also like to thank the candidates who were able to join us and participate in the candidates’ quarrel/forum.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stephen C. Bloom, D.O.

The Kent County Osteopathic Association would like to congratulate Dr. Stephen Bloom on being elected chief of staff by Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet the Candidates

Thank you to all that attended the "Meet the Candidates" meeting.

Save the date-September 20, 2010

John A. Key, D.O.

KCOA member, Dr. John Key was highlighted in the Grand Rapids Business Journal (July 19, 2010 VOL. 28, NO. 29) in the article titled "Metro Health heart services to be profitable" (front page and continued on page 12).

Monday, June 14, 2010

KCOA Members given awards at the Michigan Osteopathic Association House of Delegates

Susan Sevensma, DO was presented with the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her many years of service and leadership on the MOA Board of Trustees including her tenure as its 2007-2008 president.

Jeffrey Stevens, DO at the MOA House of Delegates

Jeffrey Stevens, DO, KCOA member and current President-Elect of the Michigan Association of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, served as Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee which provided a review of resolutions.

New LIFE members named by the Michigan Osteopathic Association.

The following KCOA physicians were made LIFE members by MOA.  Congratulations to:
Lonson L. Barr, DO
George G. Carothers, DO
Carl J. Kubek, DO

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

John Key, DO

The Kent County Osteopathic Association's own John Key, DO was in the Grand Rapids Business Journal (April 26, 2010 VOL. 28, NO. 17) in two different articles titled "Additional heart health services pursued at Metro Health" page 6 and "Hospital boards must serve community first" page 14.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

AOA's Birthday!

National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) Week
NOM Awareness WeekTo coincide with the AOA’s birthday on April 19, National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) Week 2010 is April 18-24.  NOM Week brings the osteopathic medical profession together to focus on one common goal – increasing awareness of osteopathic medicine and DOs in communities across the country.
The AOA again plans to promote osteopathic medicine during NOM Week by hosting a Mini-Medical School program, where DOs and osteopathic medical students teach children about medical instruments and proper health and nutrition at six interactive health stations.  To assist affiliate organizations in executing Mini-Medical School events of their own, the AOA has developed a Mini-Medical School Toolkit, located on DO-Online here.  The Toolkit includes planning guides, timelines, customizable marketing materials, template press releases, and more. 

Individual members of the osteopathic medical profession can help promote osteopathic medicine and DOs during NOM Week as well.  All AOA members have access to the Osteopathic Public Awareness Network (OPAN), which is located in the Advocacy section of the password protected area of DO-Online. OPAN contains a number of resources including talking points; press release templates; public service announcements, the Mini-Medical School Toolkit and much more—all available to AOA members at no cost.  If you would like to become a member of OPAN and receive information and resources to help you promote DOs and osteopathic medicine during NOM Week and throughout the year, e-mail

Other ways to promote DOs and osteopathic medicine during NOM Week 2010:

  • Hand out the “What is a DO?” brochure to patients
  • Set up a table at a local hospital or other community facility and distribute information about DOs
  • Send a health article featuring a DO to your local paper
  • Develop or participate in a Mini-Medical School in your community
If you have questions about NOM Week, please contact the AOA at (800) 621-1773 ext. 8291.

Click here for website: